What are the advantages of hydropower?
What the reson for frequant instantaneous ground over current fault in our sync. Generator... 15 triping in 24 hr...
1 Answers HCPL, Jhunjhunwala Vanaspati Jhoola, Regen Powertech,
what will be the neutral to earth voltage while checking by the Digital multimete? and why?
what is the basic construction diffrance between servo motor ans sqiralcage induction motor
Why are cables rated for 40 KA for 0.25 Sec fault current rating?
Find the netid and hostid for the following classful IP addresses? i) ii) iii)
How do we calculate transformer oil in liter from the rating of the transformer.
what is the relationship between horse power and watts
what is main parts of alternator.
10 tube light connect in mcb breaker.one tube light is fault.so breaker is tribe.how fault is rectified.(using 3wire phase,earth,neutral)
In India,we use 230V,50HZ,where as many other countries use 110V,60HZ what r d advantages and disadvantages of each of them?
what is doid
why Current is lead 90 degree and voltage is lag 90 degree in a capacitor.? why Current is lag 90 degree and voltage is lead 90 degree in an inductor.?