what is inductive couplers
Explain the differences between voltage and current controlled devices?
i have been filled the form of AIRPORT AUTHORITY OF INDIA for ATC & ELECTRONICS but this is may i did'nt got exam date .when it will conduct.
why job after btech without going to further education?
what is the SKIN effect in a condactor and how can be decrease??????
What is distortion of power amplifier? The amplifier whose distortion is 0.02% and the one whose distortion is 0.01%, Which one is better?
Tell me what is the max. Or min . Value of tv in msa to calculate r&r?
Suppose in market 4n27 is not easily available so which opto isolator can I use at the place of this? What is 4n27
Explain how many mosfet switches are there in dynamic ram?
State the differences between power amplifier and voltage amplifier.
microprocessor contain 1MB memory.is it RAM OR ROM?
Define holding current?
what is the present model of group1 and group 2 syllabus plz send the link ?