Determine the type of bpo you wish to work? : bpo
difference between voice and non voice
why should we hire you
what is the difference of customer service and contact service?
4 Answers Call Centre, ClientLogic, Reliance,
What is quality? what is the mean of quality? why i want to live my first company?
What is good customer service and give me an example?
0 Answers Cognizant, Tech Mahindra,
what do you know about mumbai city
Speak on your unforgettable or memorable day for two minutes?
82 Answers Amazon, Anovatek, Bank Of America, BPO, Concentrix, Diya Systems, ecomZera, First Indian Corporation, Genpact, IBM, Protech, Satyam, Slash Support, Sutherland, Synfront, TATA, TCS, Tech Mahindra, Unisys, United National Group, Wipro, WNS,
What will be your work in entry level?
What is KPO?
12 Answers ArcGate, IBM, Intel, KPO, Wipro,
Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult person at work
tell me something abt colour pink? and blue?