1.should women work in night shifts?if yes,why?if no why? 2.if u r given power for one day,what would u eradicate from india?
7 34068Post New Concentrix Interview Questions
What is parent value in blue prism?
Explain about jump start wizard versus standard wizard in salesforce?
How do I mimic a toggle button?
What are the types of record locks and how are they set?
1. describe Ag/Ab interaction and its importance in cinical laboratory 2. The concept of Ag/Ab interaction was used to measure ASO, CRP, RF and anti-nuclear antibodies: what is the importance of elevated ASO, CRPand RF?
List the new features of jsf 2.0?
Which type of furnace is required in solution annealing?
What is complexity of bubble sort?
What are view creators?
What is the table name to store illegal password details in sap system?
What does rmdir do in linux?
What happen if you mix both implicit wait and explicit wait in a selenium script?
What is mvc in php laravel?
what are login controls?
What type of chemical compounds do plants produce during photosynthesis?