How does siphoning work?
What is the difference between nominal mix and design mix?
std heights of c.p fitting from ffl like health faucet,wall mixer,shower arm,european commod,wall hanging commod etc.
what are the mixing of M10,M15,M20,M25,M30grades?
What should be the min.compressive strength of cc cube after 7 days testing and 28 days testing for M25 design mix conc.?pl give idea with relavant is code
which is greater moment at centre or fixed end moment for a fixed beam with udl
how we decide the thickness of slab
What are the uses of alloys in daily life and how are alloys made?
how do make a measuring box for 1 cubic metre of 1:2:4 concrete for 350kg
how much bentonite powder mix in 1000ltr fresh water with detail.
Formula for calculation volume of essentric footing
How to make tiles floor step by step procedure?
1) What is meant by C-soil in geotechnical Engineering? 2) What is Eve board? 3) What will happen when heat is applied to cement? 4) what do you understand by the lateral dimention ?
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