What is 4nf in normalization form?
how to update a null value field in sql server eg a table contains 3 fields id,name,salary and 3 records salary of 1 record is null i want update the nullfield 111 arun 300 112 ddd 200 113 ttt null i want to update table with add 100 to every record include null after updation the recrds should be 111 arun 400 112 ddd 300 113 ttt 100
how to invoke a trigger on demand? : Sql server database administration
Is it possible to run multiple publications and different type of publications from the same distribution database? : sql server replication
write a query to remove duplicate records without using primary key column?
What is user-defined inline table-valued function?
can any one say how to update the following senario I have a table <srabank> in which the table structure is as follows ANAME ACCNO LOCATION ACCTYPE BAL SBanuPrakash 31518746291 Punganur deposit 4000 Sreenivas 31518746292 mahoobnagar current 14000 Ranjith 31518746293 Karimnagar Savings 2000 Giresh 31518746294 Chennai deposit 40000 Boo 31518746295 Chennai Savings 20000 Jay 31518746296 Valachari Savings 1000 tirumalraj 31518746297 Vellore Savings 8000 The senario is We need to select one account number and check the balance after checking the balance if the balance exist we need to transfer to another account . in the from account the amount need to be reduced and in the to account the amount needed to be added. for example for the <accountno> <31518746291> the balance is <4000> for the <accno> <31518746292> the balance is <14000> after transferring the balance the details will look as follows <accno><31518746291> <bal> <2000> <accno><31518746292> <bal> <16000> the above mentioned two statment will come under the final result.
Is there any performance difference between if exists (select null from table) and if exists (select 1 from table)?
what is procedure in sql?
what is database replicaion? What are the different types of replication you can set up in sql server? : Sql server database administration
Explain sub-query?
How to verify a user name with sqlcmd tool?
Tell me what is log shipping?