can any one say how to update the following senario
I have a table <srabank>
in which the table structure is as follows
SBanuPrakash 31518746291 Punganur deposit 4000
Sreenivas 31518746292 mahoobnagar current 14000
Ranjith 31518746293 Karimnagar Savings 2000
Giresh 31518746294 Chennai deposit 40000
Boo 31518746295 Chennai Savings 20000
Jay 31518746296 Valachari Savings 1000
tirumalraj 31518746297 Vellore Savings 8000
The senario is
We need to select one account number and check the balance after checking the balance if the balance exist we need to transfer to another account .
in the from account the amount need to be reduced and in the to account the amount needed to be added.
for example
for the <accountno> <31518746291> the balance is <4000>
for the <accno> <31518746292> the balance is <14000>
after transferring the balance the details will look as follows
<accno><31518746291> <bal> <2000>
<accno><31518746292> <bal> <16000>
the above mentioned two statment will come under the final result.
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Answer / bijaylaxmi
create or replace procedure proc_bal (paccno srabank.accno%type)
pbal srabank.bal%type;
pacctype srabank.acctype%type;
pamt number:=2000;
select bal,acctype into pbal,pacctype from srabank where accno=paccno;
if pacctype= 'rd' and pbal>0
then pbal:=pbal+pamt;
elsif pacctype= 's' and pbal>0
then pbal:=pbal-pamt;
elsif pacctype= 'c' and pbal>0
then pbal:=pbal*pamt;
end if;
dbms_output.put_line( pbal);
insert into srabank_tran values (pbal,paccno);
insert into srabank_det select amt,accno from srabank_tran;
end proc_bal;
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Answer / akhil
Hi, I am Akhil, I am also learing SQL, after reading your
question I have tried the pgm, please look into this.
And user need to give 2 accounts( from and to accounts )
create or replace procedure trans(acc1 in number, acc2 in
number,am in number) is
v_amount cus_details.amount%type;
select amount into v_amount where acc_num=acc1;
if v_amount<am then
dbms_output.put_line('insufficient funds');
update cus_details set amount=amount-am where
dbms_output.put_line('amount debited from the
senders account');
update cus_details set amount=amount+am where
dbms_output.put_line('amount credited to the
receivers account');
end if;
If any thing wrong, forgive me, thanks for making me to fee
about the task
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Answer / akhil
the below program transfered the amount from one account to another account and generates the reference id and stores that reference id in the database;
in cus_det ac is the primary key
and in tranction table acc is the foreign key
then only reference number will be updated in the tranction table.
create or replace procedure test(acc1 in number,acc2 in number,amt in number) is
i number;
select am into acm from cus_det where ac=acc1;
if acm<amt then
dbms_output.put_line('in sufficient funds');
update cus_det set am=am-amt where ac=acc1;
dbms_output.put_line('amount debited from senders account');
dbms_output.put_line('Tranction nnumber for your tranction....make a note of it for future reference');
select round(dbms_random.value(100000,200000)) into i from dual;
update tranction set t_num=i where acc=acc1;
update cus_det set am=am+amt where ac=acc2;
dbms_output.put_line('amount credited to receivers account');
end if;
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