What is inductor?
minimum,maximum values of s12 in lossless & lossy txline?
i mosfet is comination of what and what component
Is the data bus is Bi-directional?
Explain what is a voltage follower?
what is the different between gsm and cdma?
what are the advantages of three phase supply over one phase?
What do mean by mnemonics in microprocessors? Give few examples.
What are the difference between UPS and VFD
wyh IC start with the number 74 like 7432,7400
Tell us design gray to binary code converter?
hi.i want to get cleared about ece and want to know what are the topics or chapters which were in 11 and 12 grade.esp., in maths and physics?ans me soon.i am fresher.
What are the advantages of sequence control of ac voltage regulators?