How can I tell if sql is running?
What problem one might face while writing log information to a data-base table in pl/sql?
How many joins in sql?
Explain the types of joins in sql?
While inserting/updating million of records into a database table, how do I came to know how many records has been inserted or updated successfully so far?
create a store procedure and created synonms for that store procedure after modify that store procedure will effect on synonms? If we delete the store procedure what happened to that synonms?
What is a stored procedure in sql with example?
How do I partition a table in sql?
What are the three forms of normalization?
can we write stored function in out parameters? how to call through select statement? how to written more than one value plz give the exmple?
Where is all the data on the internet stored?
what is a primary key? : Sql dba
How do you run a query?