What is difference between group by and partition by?
display null value rows with out using null function?
using cursors salesman get bonus as 10% of their salary , managers get 20% , analalist get 30%. generae a report showing the employee name, salary , bonus.
Is subquery faster than join?
While inserting/updating million of records into a database table, how do I came to know how many records has been inserted or updated successfully so far?
how will be date change into string
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Is and as keyword in pl sql?
What will be the output of this Query? select to_char(trunc(add_months(sysdate-3),mm),mm/dd/yyyy) from dual
What is a trigger ?
11 Answers Accenture, BirlaSoft,
which command using query analyzer will give you the version of sql server and operating system? : Sql dba
What is user defined functions?
What is sqlexception in java?