What is smoke testing and user interface testing ?
I am ganesh searching in manaul testing, i am unable to explain my current project in interview anybody give me a real time oriented project and also include how can i explain it, with test case (passout 2004) M.Sc(IT) my personel id is testganesh@gmail.com
What is the difference between Build Management and Release Management ?
What is meant by Test Script. Example and Explanation on Test Script?Please Answer
What is Database normalisation
generally what r the questions asked about project ,it may be banking,health care.... etc, i want general questions? pls any one give answer?
swap 2 variables without using 3 rd variable???
hai suppose if i want to delete cookie of a particular web site.is it possible if it is possible how? pls. tell me
9. Are there materials you would like to see added to the Web site? Which ones?
what is Tracebelity Matrix?
11 Answers Landscape Technologies,
why u can choose manual tasting
4 Answers HP, SourceTrace Systems,
Explain about your current project role? and What are the applications involved? Where you will get paper bills?
When new application ready to test than whats your testing strategies?
0 Answers Capillary Technologies,