How to optimize stored procedures in sql server?
Do you know what is raid and what are different types of raid configurations? : SQL Server Architecture
Write a stored procedure for emplpoyee and department table to get DeptName which having no employee. Table Structure- Emp-Emp_Id,Emp_Name,Dept_id Dept-Dept_Id,Dept_Name
Which sql server is best?
What is statement level trigger? to find the dead lock in sql server? 2.How to fine the memory leaks in sql server? 3.suppose transaction log file increasing what action will take ?
What is raid, and how it can influence database performance?
What are the differences between stored procedure and functions in SQL Server 2000?
25 Answers College School Exams Tests, HCL, Infosys, TCS,
What do you mean by 'normalization'?
0 Answers Ernst Young, Thomson Reuters,
How do I view a trc file?
What are the advantages of user defined function?
Different Types of Functions ?
What should we do to copy the tables, schema and views from one SQL Server to another?