How do I view a trc file?
PC(code, model, speed, ram, hd, cd, price) Find the hard drive sizes that are equal among two or more PCs.
how to do partition in sqlserver
How can we solve concurrency problems?
what are the Prerequisites for Replication?
how can we know that how many users are connected in perticuler server??????
How do I completely remove sql server instance?
How do you clear a log file?
Can you type more than one query in the query editor screen at the same time?
How to retrieve range of 10th rows to 20 th rows from total rows from a database table.? (Not from Dataset)
10 Answers Cognizant, Infosys,
Ek lifafa 10 noto se bhara hai usme 2 or 5 ke note nahi hai aur usme total 50Rs hai, to batao lifafe me kon se not kitne hia it’s a challenge thank’s
Explain active/passive and active/active cluster configurations?
How do you maintain database integrity where deletions from one table will automatically cause deletions in another table?