Is sqlexception checked or unchecked?
What is sql deadlock?
What is the Diff b/w Constraints and Trigeer
Suppose a student column has two columns, name and marks. How to get name and marks of the top three students.
Why do we use set serveroutput on?
Can a foreign key be null?
Does sql between include endpoints?
What is the purpose of cursors in pl/sql?
What is procedure function?
When is a declare statement required?
How to fetch records from a partitioned table?
table :- city name country code abc 11 bcd 22 cde 232 def 33 write a procedure , so that when we give a phone no. eg - 1123456789 - o/p sud be city name = abc if phone no. - 2322345897 , o/p sud be =cde note - bcd and cde city name sud be diff. as dey diff only with th last no. Pls ans. this questnion.
What is the difference between the sql*loader and import utilities? : aql loader