Do triggers have restrictions on the usage of large datatypes, such as long and long raw?
what is 'mysqldump'? : Sql dba
How many row comparison operators are used while working with a subquery?
Which one of the following pairs of aggregate functions do you use with character fields? 1. COUNT(field) and MAX(field) 2. AVG(field) and COUNT(field) 3. MIN(field) and SUM(field) 4. AVG(field) and MAX(field) 5. COUNT(field) and SUM(field)
What is the difference between row level and statement level trigger?
What are the types of dbms?
what is auto increment? : Sql dba
What is the use of pl/sql table?
Why do we use cursors?
in a package one procedure is wrong package shows valid or not
What is the difference between partition and index?
what are the forced views
What is sql server and ase?