Define union, minus, union all, intersect ?
What is data type in sql?
what is timestamp in mysql? : Sql dba
Why you are not able to create a table using select command,if it is having a LONG column? for eg:create table test as select * from test1 here test1 containg a column having LONG datatype...
When sql appeared?
What is clustered index in sql?
When we can declare a column as Unique and Not Null both at the same time. What is the use pf Primary Key then?
2 Answers Accenture, Unisoft Infotech,
Is primary key a clustered index?
How do you remove duplicates without using distinct in sql?
write a qurey for finding the length of the sting.
how to calculate the difference between two dates? : Sql dba
What is autocommit sql?
what is bcp? When is it used?