Please guide me release notes of Automation once scripts
are completed
How to verify the Cursor focus of a certain field?
how we can take data in the username field text box into variable in web application explain with example and give all functions to get data into variables
How to Test the mainframe application?(tell me few basic things)
How to capture data from images in QTP and produce them in Excel sheet ? please ans...
What is the use of Regular expression?
How does quicktest professional (qtp) identifies the object in the application?
How did you use regular expressions in QTP and also in WR?
I want to check in the data table(Globalsheet) column exist or not through script .If column not exist only proceeded to next step Pls tell me how to proceeded?
Using Regular expression method some particular value is not present in given value. HOow do use regular expression? Forexample password all number,character ,special character are accepted but (_',)underscore,comma are not used. How do write regular expression.
why can't you use excel directly in qtp. why we want to import excel data into Datatable.
write the vb script for call to new action in qtp?
What is meant by a Check Point in UFT? Also, explain the applicable Check Points.