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DST Global Solutions Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Will you sign a bond of 2 years with us?

3 36587

Why do u want to leave your present job

5 11756

What is the difference between Action and Function.? when both has the same functionaltiy, when do we choose Action and when do we choose Function..??

3 10315

When there is descriptive programming, why do we go for Object repository for desigining scripts.?? why cant we use descriptive programming instead of using the Object repository..??

4 8475

can a Function return more than one value..??? if so please give me the code for that.

5 10141

How can we change(increase or decrease)the size of a array variable with out loosing the previous values

1 7205

When we use 'ERR' object to handle the exceptions in the script, do we need to include any statement in the beginning of the script..??

2 7227

Can you give me the code to calculate the total number of Links using the child object in the web page..? is there any other way to calculate number of links with out using the Child objects.??

2 7473

how can we call an external library file in QTP apart from using the Executefile statement..?? is there any other way we can call the external library file in QTP..??

2 9135

In mainframe SDSF, Can we copy the list of jobs currently executing in SDSF in to a seperate DATASET...?


how to swap all the values without using temporary variable. tha values r a = 20, x=60 and p=2.

5 7983

how can we maintain the previous version scripts to new version.


how to display all the links in one page using vb script in qtp.

1 8965

How can I map test requirement to Test Set (multiple test cases)? Under test lab, I have multiple test cases. I would like to map 1 requirement to all test cases under that test set (in test lab)? Currently, I think QC only allow mapping 1 test requirement to 1 test case. Instead I would like to map 1 test requirement to multiple test cases under one test lab.

4 10974

Query for second maximum salary in each in each department

15 35897

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What is iobjectset? : Entity framework


please let me know the command to create topic and subscription in cluster... mq series?


What is dbml in linq to sql?


What are the possible values of procurement type in material master?


What is h:commandbutton tag in jsf (javaserver faces)?


Is powerpoint effective?


What are the major differences between tableau version 7.0 and tableau version 8.0?


Can the IP address be same for 2 PC's?


What is void class in java?


Explain the different types of wet processing?


what is your core comtetence


Can abstract class have constructor c#?


Explain what is embedded system in a computer system?


Different file processing modes supported by python?


How do we make a global variable accessible across files? Explain the extern keyword?