What is loop in frameworkmanager ?
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Answer / rajitha
Loop is an very dangerous exception in framework manager we
can resolve the loop create alias table. loop Dispaly wrong
results in the reportnet.
A Loop is a Closed Path Circuit....
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Answer / nasa
loop is nothing but closed path
it occurs when relation have like
table 1->relation with-> table 2-> relation with-> table 3-
relation with ->table 1.
here table 3 have the relation again with table 1 so simply
we can say here loop is occurred..
by using shortcut or alias we can resolve this...
table 1->relation with-> table 2-> relation with-> table 3-
relation with -> short cut table 1.
by right click on table we will get shortcut and alias
shortcut: if we update or any modification in original table
that will effect on shortcut of that particular short table
alias: if we update or any modifications in original table
that will not give any effect on alias table
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Answer / narayana
avoid loops:using shortcuts.
we have ambiguous relationships types:
hierarchical relationships,recursive relationships,multi-
valid relationships.to avoid these relationships using
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 0 No |
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