i have 4 countries in my database as USA, UK, INDIA, CHANA.
In value prompt's prompt control list, i want
When i click on WESTERN_COUNTRIES, it should retrieve USA,
UK records and when i click on ASIAN_COUNTRIES, it should
retrieve INDIA, CHINA records.
How is it possible?
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Answer / itesh
simple man ,
create country prompt with 2 dynamic prompt value dispay
in report query put filter
write a if statement
if (?country?)=1
then country in (USA,UK)
else country in (INDIA, CHINA)
Is This Answer Correct ? | 9 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / gajendra kumar
Just add static choices to value parameter as WESTERN_COUNTRIES, ASIAN_COUNTRIES. In report query add the filter (?parameter? = 'WESTERN_COUNTRIES' and [Dataitem] in ('USA', 'UK'))
(?parameter? = 'ASIAN_COUNTRIES' and [Dataitem] in ('INDIA', 'CHINA'))
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / beckham
Use a customized data item in a query.this query is the
source query for the region prompt.Make sure the customized
data item is used in main query and filterd accordingly.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 5 No |
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