we have a link in a website or webtable How can we record
link in that table or site? link is not static we don't
know exact location of that link? how ? if u know pls give
reply with script also?

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we have a link in a website or webtable How can we record link in that table or site? link is not ..

Answer / geeta

for i=2 to rowcount
set obj_lnk=b().P().Webtable().childitem(i,j,"Link",0)

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we have a link in a website or webtable How can we record link in that table or site? link is not ..

Answer / naaz

Descriptive programming will solve this problem. You have
to write the property name and you can assign the dynamic
value of that property. The problem with descriptive
programming is, if you are using descriptive programming
for the top level object you have to use the descriptive
programing for the child objects also. But if you are using
it for child objects you dont neet to use for parent

Example of Descriptive Programming:

here title is the Object Property. And Value12 is its
value. you can use dataTable also for the value


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we have a link in a website or webtable How can we record link in that table or site? link is not ..

Answer / akshay soni

for a website
set desco=description.create
with browser("title:=give respctive browser title name")
set lis=page("title:=give respctive browser title name").childobjects(desco)
for i=0 to lis-1 step 1
print(x&" "&y)

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we have a link in a website or webtable How can we record link in that table or site? link is not ..

Answer / jyotikrushna mohapatra

I just saw an answer which has mentioned above as:

for i=2 to rowcount
set obj_lnk=b().P().Webtable().childitem(i,j,"Link",0)

but this isn't 100% appropriate code, the script may fail
Ex: here we are trying to click on the link through every
row of the webtable, suppose the 3rd row doesn't contain
any link then "obj_lnk.click
will fail because there is no link present in that row so
the exact and write code will be as :

for i=2 to rowcount
if b().pa().webtable().childitemcount(i,j,"Link",0)<>0
set obj_lnk=b().P().Webtable().childitem(i,j,"Link",0)
end if
end for

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we have a link in a website or webtable How can we record link in that table or site? link is not ..

Answer / shekhar

If we know the name of the name of that link then u guyes
can follow the below code....
In the above code how are you getting the value of j(i.e
column no). We are supposed to check each and every row &
so I would like to add few lines in the above code,


For i=1 to rowcount
For j=1 to columncount
If B.P.Webtable().ChildItemCount(i,j,"link")<>0 then
set oLink=B.P.Webtable().ChildItem(i,j."link",o)
''oLink.(your desired operation)
If trim(y)= trim("Name of that link") then
End If
Exit for
End If

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we have a link in a website or webtable How can we record link in that table or site? link is not ..

Answer / veda

I think with discriptive programing but i don't know how
to use that discriptive programing in this situation.

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