if a project is long term project , requirements are also
changes then test plan will change or not?why

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if a project is long term project , requirements are also changes then test plan will change or not..

Answer / sridhar vulli

Ofcourse the test plan has to get changed when there is
change in the requiremtn.

The documents which effect for a small change the
requirements are

1. SRS -- Here the new requiremtn is added or deleted.
2. PS/FS -- Here the specific document will get changed
where the requirement is affected.
3. Test cases -- It is must that when the PS/FS for
affected we need to change the test cases.

so based on this we also need to change the test plan that
how much time is going to take for each additional
requirement change, resources, techonology etc..

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if a project is long term project , requirements are also changes then test plan will change or not..

Answer / pune tester

Yes..definitely. If requirement changes, the design
documents, specifications (for that particualr module which
implements the requiremnts) will also change. Hence the
test plan would also need to be updated. This is
because "REsource Allocation" is one section in the test
plan. We would need to write new test cases,review, and
execute it. Hence resource allocation would have to be done
accordingly. As a result the Test plan would change

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