Give me some examples of how you have participated in
Integration Testing.
Can any1 tell me suppose u r doing manual testing on unix platform with Shell Script, then how it is done? How u r implementing it & what is the use of Shell scripting on Manual Testing?
What is a "Good Tester"?
what we have to do if the application has some additional functionality which is not specified as part of functional spec.(but is useful.. may b futher) Do we consider it as a defect?
what is boundary value analysis?
plz tell me the difference b/w PB/MF based appl.with examples. Thanks
What is Fulltime testing?
Hi Im Swarupa I have 1 Year of exp in Software Testing.I was involved in manual testing of the applications.Pls let me know if you know abt any oppurtunities...Preferred location Hyderabad
what are the bugs we canot find in the black box testing?
if any bug is found & that problem is resolve & make sure this type of problem is not arrise is any project also 1 - corrective & preventive Action 2 - Risk Analysis 3 - Impact Analysis 4 - Root Cause Analysis
How to test cookies in Manual testing?
what is the difference between V model and Waterfall model used in SDLC?
Write TestCases for mobile