Detail about the hardware which is supported by SQL server?
what are the steps you will take, if you are tasked with securing an sql server? : Sql server database administration
Can we add an identity column to decimal datatype?
Explain the creation and execution of a user-defined function in the sql server?
Define union, union all, minus, intersect?
What command do we use to rename a db?
Would it be a good idea to create an index on a table that always contains 10 records? Why or why not?
what is Full Text Search ?
What happens to a statement batch if there is a compilation error?
how to get the maximum among two tables,for example table 1 (dep1) have (emp_id,emp_name,salary) columns and table 2 (dept2) have (emp_id,emp_name,salary) columns,i want which employee have the maximum salary among two tables?
Which is faster statement or preparedstatement?
What triggers long term care?
What are cursors? Name four types of cursors and when each one would be applied?