Plural Theory of Sovereignty emphasizes the importance of
(a) State
(b) Religion
(c) Individuals
(d) Associations
How is your subject 'sociology' helpful in banking sector?
The original name of Swami Dayananda Saraswati was (a) Abhi Shankar (b) Gowri Shankar (c) Daya Shankar (d) Mula Shankar
Joseph?s salary is reduced by 10%. In order to have his salary back to his original amount, it must be raised by (a) 12.5% (b) 11 1/9 % (c) 10% (d) 11%
2 Answers BHU, dfmc, IBAGrads, NDA, PTT, SSC,
By selling an article at 2/3 of the marked price, there is a loss of 10%. The profit percent, when the article is sold at the marked price, is (a) 20% (b) 30% (c) 35% (d) 40%
Can anybody tell me how to prepare for the interview of SSC Scientific assistants
To which country the ?Associated Press? relates ?
The richest source of protein is (a) Soyabean (b) Meat (c) Milk (d) Eggs
Which one of the following organistions is not connected with scientific research? (a) CSIR (b) NABARD (c) ICMR (d) ICAR
The present name of Kamarupa is ___________?,
Gandhiji began his fast unto death in 1932 when the Prime Minister of England declared that (a) India would not be granted freedom (b) Congress Party would be banned (c) Separate seats would be reserved for depressed classes in legislatures (d) English Government would not hold talks with Congress
Where did the miniature Bani Thani paintings of Indian heritage develop? (a) Guler (b) Mewar (c) Bundi (d) Kishengarh
On which river Bhakra-Nangal project was built ?