Which one of the following dynasties was famous for its
maritime power?
(a) Pallava
(b) Pandya
(c) Chola
(d) Rashtrakuta
In which year the British Queen, Elizabeth II ascended the throne ?
Which seasonal crops are called Khariff crops ?
The British Government convened the First Round Table Conference in London to (a) Discuss the Nehru Report (b) Sign the Gandhi-Irwin Pact (c) Discuss the Simon Commission Report (d) None of the above
The best way in which a bank can avoid loss is to (a) Lend only to individuals known to the bank (b) Accept sound collateral (c) Give only short-term loans (d) Lend only to bank?s old customers
To which human capital refers ?
What are causes for inflation ?
23 Answers College School Exams Tests, Gayatri, Reliance, Satyam,
What is the currency of Cyprus ?
Which one of the following statements regarding starch and cellulose is not correct? (a) Both of them are of plant origin (b) Both of them are polymers (c) Both of them give colour with iodine (d) Both of them are made up of glucose molecules
Mohammed-bin-Qasim conquered Sind in the year (a) 712 A.D. (b) 812 A.D. (c) 912 A.D. (d) 1012 A.D.
which among the following States is created as the 29th state of India?
Who was the author of ?Memory and Identify? ?
The name of the Gata Kamosky is associated with which of the following games? (a) Billiards (b) Bridge (c) Chess (d) Squash