what is index? : Sql dba
How do I view a sql database?
What is meant by temporal data?
how to delete duplicate rows from a join tables(I have three tables on that join) how do you know which join is need to be used? The select statement I have is: SELECT gc_skill_type.skill_type, gc_area_tec.area, gc_technology.technology, gc_technology.id_technology, gc_area_tec.id_area_tec FROM gc_skill_type, gc_area_tec, gc_technology WHERE gc_area_tec.id_skill_type (+) = gc_skill_type.id_skill_type AND gc_technology.id_area_tec (+) = gc_area_tec.id_area_tec order by gc_skill_type.skill_type asc, gc_area_tec.area asc, gc_technology.technology asc
What is faster join or subquery?
What are the different ddl commands in sql?
what is meant by tuning and tk proof?
What are Anti joins
Can you selectively load only those records that you need? : aql loader
SELECT category, type, AVG(price) FROM products GROUP BY category, type ORDER BY 1, 2 If there are three distinct categories in the "products" table, and each one has five different types, how many rows are returned by the query above? 1. 1 row 2. 3 rows 3. 5 rows 4. 8 rows 5. 15 rows
Write a sql query to get the third highest salary of an employee from employee_table?
What is a system versioned table?
which command using query analyzer will give you the version of sql server and operating system? : Sql dba