What are difference between Cluster index and Non-Cluster index?
What is log ldf?
what is isolation level at dead lock?
How can we delete a table in sql server?
How to create an index on a view?
What are the character string functions supported by sql server 2005?
What are diverse clauses that form a part of sql?
How to compose an inquiry to demonstrate the points of interest of an understudy from students table whose name begins with k?
how to find number of columns in a table in sql server 2000 and 2005 also
What program is used to store the data source file?
code to create procedure for taking databse backup in sql server or i have the query for it but what it's query returns means i want to show on my jsp that the databse backup has been taken on the basis of that return value.does it returns 0 or 1.wat is the code for that
How to sort query output in descending order in ms sql server?
What is the difference between clustered and a non-clustered index?