How to compose an inquiry to demonstrate the points of interest of an understudy from students table whose name begins with k?
What are different types of raid configurations? : SQL Server Architecture
Why Master database is required?
difference between function and procedure
3 Answers Cognizant, HCL, TCS, Theorem,
How many types of system privileges are there, Can we add or delete privileges?
What is the default order of an order by clause?
What do you understand by the analysis services in sql server?
How do you find the error, how can you know the number of rows effected by last SQL statement?
Difference between drill down and drill through report.
Write the queries for commands like Create Table, Delete table, Drop Table etc.
0 Answers HPCL, Hughes Systique Corporation,
What are pessimistic lock and optimistic lock?
How to query multiple tables jointly?
What happens if null values are involved in comparison operations?