What are the different ways to invoke an application using QTP?
I have created 3 actions in test action1, action2, action3 but I want run action 1,action 3,action2 how can you change in the actions in keyword view?
hi this is srinivasa(from blr) i complited my B.tech(e.c.e) in 2007 im searching job in s/w testing but idont have freshers resume for s/w testing please send some s/w testing resume for me(fresfers resumes only) advns thnks you
how will load the object during runtime?
Explain the Different types of QTP test assets and their extensions?
How to launch application under test through VBscript without using systemutil.run or invokeapplication?
What types of testing comes under functional testing or in other word what will you test in functional testing?
What is API?
what is the smart identification techniqu?what r the different mechanisums used in it?
if the excel sheet specified in script is not there,we get run time error how to handle the error ,please anybody explain me in detail
What is an other way of "Wait" statement in QTP I dont want to use wait("Some number"). Can any one tell this please..........
what are the settings to be done to make the recovery scenario created for one test to be used bye all the other tests. please tell me recovery scenario process in detail.
Connect to QC using AOM.