Explain the Different types of QTP test assets and their extensions?
In a flight window we have to enter the name and meal request for every passenger.In that window if we give Total passengers=1 then the Psngr1 name field and psngr1 meal request field will reflects.if we give Total passengers=2 then Psngr1 name field and psngr1 meal request field,Psngr2 name field and psngr2 meal request field and so on. how we can handle this scenerio thru Descriptive programming?
What are SetToProperty, SetRoProperty, GetToProperty scripting?
Hi Guys, I want to place all of my values which i am getting it from a loop in to a global shee. For that i had written the script like this For i = 1 to ECOs-1 ECO = List(i).GetROProperty("innertext") DataTable.AddSheet("ECOList") DataTable.GetSheet("ECOList").AddParameter "ECOList",ECO AbortECO = DataTable.GetSheet("ECOList").GetParameter ("ECOList").Value msgbox AbortECO DataTable.GetSheet("ECOList").SetNextRow Using the above script, whenever the loop iterates it is creating new column "ECOLIST" in the sheet called "ECOLIST". It means, the values are displaying in the column wise even though i added the script " DataTable.GetSheet("ECOList").SetNextRow" . The cursor is not moving to the next line. Anybody help me out how to pass the values from script to the excel(Global/Local) sheet. Pls let me know @ nbabu11@gmail.com if you are not clear about the question.
difference Between LowLevel and Normal Recording Modes?
Hi All I am installing QTP 8.0/8.2 in my office desktop (WIN XP) but it is not working. Inspite Installion is succesfully done but when i open qtp from programs it opens only first screen of add-in and after that it disappears. But in my other computer at home (winxp) it is working fine. Can you please give the reason, why it is not working in office desktop. DEEPAK SINGH
Explain getroproperty and gettoproperty & settoproperty?
1) 100 test boxes there in application. how to click 100 test boxes using vb script? 2) 100 objects there in web page,how we will store that 100 objects repostries?
Explain the concept of how QTP identifies object.
can u store QTp frame work folders in VSS? If Not where u store those?
what is Business Process Testing plz explain?
Explain abt the File System Object in QTP with ex
You have a WebTable in Web application. When you Record a Scenario using QTP, WebTable didn't recognized and also Repository is not having Webtable information. In this case How to find RowCount and Coloumn Count?