What do you mean by tempering?
What are the points that must be kept in mind during forging design?
IN AC mechanical fuelpump what stands for AC
what is back compression?
What do you understand by ductile-brittle transition temperature?
Tell me which has more efficiency: Diesel engine or Petrol engine.
by mixing oil in fule of fourstroke bike will it damage engine, performance? if not than what happen?
For the purpose of inflating car tyres, spray painting, etc. i.e. say a small workshop, what size of a compressor (CFM) is recommended? It will be generally for a hobby use and not commercial use.
What are the troubles in inaccurate gauge reading?
Hard shifting of gears would result when a) There is rapid engagement of gears b) There is less heat dissipation c) The clutch inertia is very high d) There is no clutch free pedal play
0 Answers Backbone, Bosch, MAHINDRA, Uniparts Group,
How the engine does start working when we start our two wheeler?
Define white metals.