what do you mean by an input subfile, what are the keywords required?
1.Coding in cl to send an message? 2..What is turnover and use? What are the different levels?
what is decimal data error? when it will come and how to achieve(rectify) this error please give me solution as well as code
what built in function can be used with SETLL.If you want to check whether the search argument is successful or not? Please give me answer with example?
what is EXCEPT command in rpg and use
What is the purpose of Panel Groups?
Explain mdt?
1) How to define keyed file in CL pgm. 2) How can i read particular records in CL pgm from database file.
Im traying to get out put of this below mention simple logic code.But im geting out of different.(im trying with my laptop trhough my company server. DCL &FIELD1 *CHAR 10 VALUE('TCS AS/400') DCL &FIELD2 *CHAR 10 CHGVAR(%SST(&FIELD2 1 10))(%SST(&FIELD1 10 1) Can you tell me the value of field2 after excuted of CHGVAR command.
steps involved in debugging and types of debugging modes?
how do I preserve and clean the array?
1.CA(command Atention key)& CF(command Function key) difference with example?Please can any body tell me in real time exp? 2.Can any body tell me some mandatery function keys using while creating any screen with use of SDA-FUNCTION kEYS?
there is any limit to display the members in rpg400?