what do you mean by an input subfile, what are the keywords required?
what is the use of sflnxtchg?
When it is desirable to describe files Internally?
How do I read records from Subfile? what is the purpose of READC explain with example?
How to call one program from another program in RPG? please help me with the code
how do I declare a minor?
What is difference between bind by copy and bind by reference?
If there are 1000 member(PGM type) in a SRC file. How can we compile in a CL program? ( It need to be done in a loop)?
how to convert date format from one format to another i think in CL/400 its CVTDAT,Please tell in RPG/400 sir not in RPGILE
Hi all friend, Could Any body send me the code (with coding) of this senario because I have tried but I am stucking somewhere so Please reply ASAp with coding. senario:Q: I have to write the flat file(FLAT1) into the three different PFS (PF1,PF2 and PF3) with the respect of H line data, D line data and Z line data of flat file. where I have different data in flat file(FLAT1) which is mentioned below with data. H0929200909282009092820095529420003000073 D2222220006765555webservi001633.9909222009092820090924200951 8564380134049ROSNER TOYOTA OF FREDE FREDERICKSBURVA 224080000USA840840001633.99001633.99851856492689800208001915 511001633.990408490000000.0000000003446048 1,3 110793145 09070700351 372367 Rosner Motors D3333320006774444webservi000271.2409222009092820090924200951 8564380134049ROSNER TOYOTA OF FREDE FREDERICKSBURVA 224080000USA840840000271.24000271.24851856492689800208001835 511000271.240930680000000.0000000003450293 1 110793254 09072100079 373933 Rosner Motors Z0929200900000020001905.25 FLAT1 has the three pf data H line-represents the header pf data,D-Represent Details pf data,Z-Represents the trailer pf data Now I have to write H line data of flat file into Header pf (PF1),D line data of flat into datails pf(PF2) and Z line data of flat file into pf(PF3) with the spefic position(H,D and Z data of flat file into PF1, PF2 and PF3) of flat file.
list down and describe the sub systems vailable
How do you proceed in case your active AS400 session has got disconnected suddenly, how can you get back to your session ? Is it possible??
i want to perform uniqness on db file bt my db file nt hving key by useing rpgle.