how to convert date format from one format to another i think
in CL/400 its CVTDAT,Please tell in RPG/400 sir not in RPGILE

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how to convert date format from one format to another i think in CL/400 its CVTDAT,Please tell in ..

Answer / keshar

IN RPG using DS we can change date format. For example go
through the link

Another method is to convert date into another format is
MOVE command.

In MOVE command we can specify date format. But one should
take care about compatibility.
*mdy MOVE field DATE

Also we can use %date inbuilt function to change character
into date. So use %date in this way:
1. First convert date1 into character using %char.
2. then use %date to convert into desirable date format.

%date also use to fetch system date.

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how to convert date format from one format to another i think in CL/400 its CVTDAT,Please tell in ..

Answer / neet

by use user defined data structure, we can change date format

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how to convert date format from one format to another i think in CL/400 its CVTDAT,Please tell in ..

Answer / narmatha

In ds1 we can initialize one fmt.. after tat in ds2, int
another fmt. by using move opc we can move 1 fmt to another
fmt.. eg:
I 1 2 DD
I 3 4 MM
I 5 6 YY Same like DS2 *MDY
c movel DD DD1 like MM1 , YY1, if we want sep
means int '/' then we can use...

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