list down and describe the sub systems vailable
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Answer / sudhir
Just type WRKSBS command to get all the subsystems..
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Answer / vinu sharad
List of subsystems are:
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Answer / swetha p rao
QINTER,QPGMR ,QBATCH,QBATCH2 are some of the system
qinter is the subsystem where you login and for interactive
Qbatch is for batch jobs
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Answer / chandrababu
Simple IBM supplied Subsystem configuration:
-> QBASE : Supports Interactive, Batch and communication jobs.
-> QSPL : Spool subsystem that supports reader/writer jobs.
-> QCTL : Controlling Subsystem that starts up the system console.
-> QINTER : Supports Interactive jobs.
-> QBATCH : Supports Batch jobs.
-> QCMN : Supports all communication jobs.
Hope this is clear..
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6 Answers Traitsys Technologies,
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