A ship went on a voyage.After it had travelled 180 miles a plane statrted with 10 times the speed of the ship.
An army 50 miles long marches at a constant rate. A courier standing at the rear moves forward and delivers the message to the first person and then turns back and reaches the rear of the army as the army completes 50 miles. Find the distance travelled by the courier.
There are 80 coins, among them one coin weighs less compared to other. You are given a physical balance to weigh. In how many wieghings the odd coin can be found.
13_46_8_180_210_75 = 64 . Use + and – in the empty places to make the equation holds good. Take m = number of + and n = number of – . Find m – n?
a vendor solds two things at same cost 12 RS with one item at 25%profit and other at 20%loss,by this transaction he made profit or loss by how much
Which team won the National Football League this year?
i want to know the aptitude qs of hsbc bank
0 Answers Bank Of America, HSBC,
The minimum token cost is Rs. 100, which grants the token holder to travel up to a distance of 10 miles. And for every additional mile travelled, the charge is Rs. 10. A minimum luggage weight of 10 kg is not charged, after which it is charged at Rs. 1 per kg. During a specific journey, suppose you carry a weight of 'k' kg, and a distance of 'p' miles is travelled, which equation will indicate the correct total charge to be paid by the traveller?
If I bought a cycle before 2days of my birthday and I broke it after 3 days of my birthday the day I broke is Mar2, 1956? Answer following logical questions? i) when is his birthday?
6 Answers Geometric Software, Iteamic,
There are 4 numbers as 5,8,2,1 Form 4, four digit numbers as A, B and find the sum?
send some genaral aptitude questions to my email id- siva.maradana@yahoo.com
L:says all of my other 4 friends have money M:says that P said that exact one has money N:says that L said that precisely two have money O:says that M said that 3 of others have money. P:Land N said that they have money. all are liers.Who has money&who doesn't have?
how many rivers are present in sindh?
15 software functions are there. It is known that atleast 5 of the m are defective. What is the probability that if three functions are chosen and tested, no errors are uncovered.