waht is the difference between QTP 8.2 and 9.0 version

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waht is the difference between QTP 8.2 and 9.0 version..

Answer / sudhakar

In QTP9.0 two more options have been added as the QTP8.2 is
divided into
1.test pane
2.active screen
3.data table
4.debug viewer pane
5.tool options
the two things added in 9.0 is it is divided into 7 parts
the above 5 and
6.information pane
7.missing resources pane

and some of the tool options have been made as menu items

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waht is the difference between QTP 8.2 and 9.0 version..

Answer / jignesh

As per my view, QTP 8.2 doesn't support custom .Net objects
like (it doesn't sync with Infragistic tools objects,
DevExpress tools objects etc..) but QTP 9.0 support these
custom objects.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 3 No

waht is the difference between QTP 8.2 and 9.0 version..

Answer / laxman

divya your answer is wrong, if u know correct answer u send
other wise dont send.

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waht is the difference between QTP 8.2 and 9.0 version..

Answer / sandipgami84

New Features in QTP 9.2

1 Mercury Screen Recorder. Capture your entire run session
in a movie clip or capture only the segments with errors,
and then view your movie from the Test Results window.

2 Dynamic Management of Object Repositories.
Programmatically manage an action's shared object
repository collection during the test run.

3.Dynamic Management of Object Repositories
QuickTest now has a new RepositoriesCollection reserved
object that you can use to programmatically manage the set
of object repositories that are associated with an action
during a run session.

At the beginning of a run session, the
RepositoriesCollection object contains the same set of
object repository files as the Associated Repository Files
tab of the Action Properties dialog box. The operations you
perform on the RepositoriesCollection object affect only
the run-time copy of the collection.

You can use the RepositoriesCollection object to associate
or disassociate shared object repositories with an action
during a run session or change the priority order of the
objects in the list.

4 Product Enhancements
Enhanced Object Spy Functionality. When you hover over
objects in your application using the pointing hand, you
can view their properties, methods, and object hierarchy in
the Object Spy. As you hover over each object, it is
highlighted in the application.
Web Drag and Drop Support. You can now create and run drag
and drop operations in Web environments.
Text Recognition Support for Windows-Based Environments.
You can capture text from Windows-based objects using text
or text area checkpoints and output value steps, or using
the GetText, GetVisibleText and GetTextLocation methods.

5.New Supported Operating Systems and Environments
QuickTest Professional 9.2 has added support for the
following operating systems, browsers, and development

Microsoft Windows Vista
Citrix support
VMWare desktop support (QuickTest and the tested
application must both be installed on the virtual machine).
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
Mozilla Firefox 2.0
Netscape Browser 8.1.2
Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation (supported with
the .NET Add-in 9.2)

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

waht is the difference between QTP 8.2 and 9.0 version..

Answer / jose

8.2 & 9.2 OR API was provided
9.0 OR API was restricted

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waht is the difference between QTP 8.2 and 9.0 version..

Answer / saurabh garg

There are some cosmetic changes as well...

In QTP 8.2, If you do not select an add-in to load then you
cannot do it in the same session. You have to close QTp and
then login again.

But in QTP 9.0, IF you do not select an add-in you can
select it in the same session via
File->Settings->Prperties tab->Modify button.

This is one of the practical problems I faced while using
the advanced version after older one.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 2 No

waht is the difference between QTP 8.2 and 9.0 version..

Answer / ranganath


Pls tell me wht is mean by custom .net objects which u had
specified in the answer

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

waht is the difference between QTP 8.2 and 9.0 version..

Answer / bindu

give me the exact difference between 8.2 and 9.0
versions in qtp please.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

waht is the difference between QTP 8.2 and 9.0 version..

Answer / yadav

one can associate one r more shared repositories apart from
its local repository this is the major difference.


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waht is the difference between QTP 8.2 and 9.0 version..

Answer / koteswara rao m

QuickTest Professional 9.0 provides replay support for
Mozilla FireFox 1.5
QuickTest Professional 8.2 and below do not have support
for Firefox.
QuickTest Professional 9.0 supports Internet Explorer 7.0
Beta 2.
QuickTest Professional 8.2 and below do not include support
for Internet Explorer 7.0.
QTP 9.0 we can use the QuickTest Professional user
interface to change the name of the checkpoint but it is
not possible in QTP 8.2

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

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