how to find out cable size if load is 2800 watts, 230 volts AC supply and load distance is 1800 meters
What is the transformenr turns ratio.
Application wise, where we should use AC motors and where we should DC motors?
How will you determine the rating of a motor for continuous duty variable load motor applications?
what is static excitation and dynamic excitation of synchronous generator,scr excitation is a brush or brushless excitation?
what is the difference between earth and neutral?
56 Answers Bhel, Emerson, HCL, JLL, L&T, Siemens, TVS,
What are the usege & different between UPS & batteries with charging system in in Substation?( UPS 120V AC & battery charger is 120v DC)
what is mean impedance?
Write a note on Treatment for electric shock.
why humming sound occured in HT transmission lines.
What is relation between transmission lines & Communication lines ?
How many kinds of E.L.C.B and how to work E.L.C.B
what reason of line current and phase current in star connection and line current and phase current not equal in delta connection?