Design a mapping to calculate department wise sum of salaries and load it in single target?
Source Target
Deptno Salary Deptno Salary
10 100 10 600
10 200 10 600
10 300 10 600
20 200 20 800
20 300 20 800
20 300 20 800
30 400 20 1500
30 500 30 1500
30 600 30 1500
How do you load first and last records into target table? How many ways are there to do it? Explain through mapping flows.
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if i have one mapping and we already tuned that mapping for performance,everything is fine and loading will take 1 hr,so without doing any change in mapping how could we reduce the loading time from 1hr to 1/2 hr.
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what is incremantal aggregation?
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1.what is SDLC of a project,explain in detail? 2.what are dimensions,facts?what is confirmed dimensions? 3.what is the need of OLTP? when we have datawarehousing?