QUANTUM BIOLOGY - EXAMPLE 33.6 : The time to maintain quantum coherence in a biological system is t. Let t = k / (MT) where k = constant, M = mass, T = temperature. For living farm animals, normal rectal temperatures ranges for pig and goat are 38.7 - 39.8 and 38.5 - 39.7 in degree Celsius respectively. Let a pig has a mass of 100 kg and a goat has a mass of 300 pounds. (a) Find the mass of goat in the unit of kilogram, when 1 pound = 0.4536 kg. (b) Find t (p) / t (g) for living animals when t (p) = t for pig and t (g) = t for goat. (c) State the assumption of your calculation in question (b).

QUANTUM BIOLOGY - EXAMPLE 33.6 : The time to maintain quantum coherence in a biological system is t...

Answer / kangchuentat

QUANTUM BIOLOGY - ANSWER 33.6 : (a) M for goat = 300 pounds x 0.4536 kg / pound = 136.08 kg. (b) Let t (p) = k / (100 T), t (g) = k / (136.08 T). Then t (p) / t (g) = 136.08 / 100 = 1.3608. (c) Assumption : Both pig and goat have the same temperature T, times to lose their quantum information t are approximations. The answer is given by Kang Chuen Tat; PO Box 6263, Dandenong, Victoria VIC 3175, Australia; SMS +61405421706; chuentat@hotmail.com; http://kangchuentat.wordpress.com.

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