In work load management there are three options of Low priority, Medium priority and High Priority Jobs which can be used for resource management. why this feature is developed when there is already jobs prescheduled by scheduler or autosys. what will be the use of workload management then?
What is the difference between informatica and datastage?
Define orabulk and bcp stages?
1.what is repartionoing technique? 2.what deliverables transferred to client using datastage? to write loop statements using nested loop sequence?
Hi, My source is oracle(eno,ename,sal,commision,...), my requirement is like this, if there is a null values in commission col i want to keep it as null,and for the remaining first two characters of the value in my target. Plz help me
specify data stage strength?
Explaine the implimentation of scd's in ds indetail, please send me step by step procedure to perform scd's 1,2,3. Please replay for this, Thanks in advance
1)Source file contains one record, I want 100 records in target file.
what is the difference between datasatge and datastage TX?
1)What is ur project architecture ? 2)how to move project from developement to uat? 3)What is the difference between datastage 6,7.1 and datasttage 7.5? 4).How to do error handling in datastage? 5)3.Whta is unit testing, system testing and integration testing? 6)What is the Exact difference between BASIC Transformer and NORMAL Transformer?When we will go for BASIC Or NORMAL Transformer 7)why we use third party tools in datastage? 8)What is the purpose of Debugging stages? In real time Where we will use?
6 Answers CTS, HCL, IBM, Wipro,
it is possible to load two tables data into one sequential file?if possible how?plz share with me?
A flatfile contains 200 records.I want to load first 50 records at first time running the job,second 50 records at second time running and so on,how u can develop the job?pls give the steps?
What are the environmental settings for data stage,while working on parellel jobs?