UNIT OPERATION - EXAMPLE 9.4 : Acetone and ethanol are separated using a distillation column with a partial condenser and partial reboiler. An equimolar, sub-cooled liquid feed enters at 100 kmol / hr and condenses 1 mole of vapor for every 6 moles of feed. The separation requires a distillate vapor that is 95 mol % acetone and bottoms liquid that is 5 mol % acetone. The reflux is returned from the condenser to the column as a saturated liquid and the operation is run at (L / V) = 1.4 * (L / V) min. Assume constant overflow conditions. (a) Feed operating line is y = [ q / (q - 1) ] x - z / (q - 1) where z = 0.5 for equimolar liquid mixture of 2 components, q = (L'- L) / F where L' = L + F + (F / 6) for condensation of 1 mole of vapor / 6 moles of feed. What is y = f(x)? (b) The rectifying operating line is y = (L / V) x + (D / V) (xd) where (L / V) min goes through the points A (0.95, 0.95) and B (0.53, 0.69), V = L + D. What is y = f(x)? Let xd = 0.95. (L / V) min is the slope of the 2 points A and B.
UNIT OPERATION - ANSWER 9.4 : (a) q = (F + F / 6) / F = 7 / 6, then y = [ (7 / 6) / (1 / 6) ] x - 0.5 / (1 / 6) or y = 7x - 3. (b) (L / V) min as a slope of AB = (0.95 - 0.69) / (0.95 - 0.53) = 0.62. (L / V) = 1.4 * (L / V) min = 1.4 x 0.62 = 0.868. V = L + D, 1 = (L / V) + (D / V) then (D / V) = 1 - (L / V) = 1 - 0.868 = 0.132, y = 0.868 x + (0.132) (0.95) then y = 0.868 x + 0.1254. The answer is given by Kang Chuen Tat; PO Box 6263, Dandenong, Victoria VIC 3175, Australia; SMS +61405421706; chuentat@hotmail.com; http://kangchuentat.wordpress.com.
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THERMODYNAMIC - EXAMPLE 10.1 : The water is superheated steam at 440 degree Celsius and 17.32 megapascals. Estimate the enthalpy of the steam above. From the steam table for water at 440 degree Celsius, enthalpy of steam, h at 18 megapascals is 3103.7 kilojoules per kilogram and at 16 megapascal is 3062.8 kilojoules per kilogram. Assume that h = mP + c where P is pressure; m and c are constants at fixed temperature with small differences in P.
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ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL ENGINEERING - EXAMPLE 34.2 : (a) In the pricing of a coupon bond, the formula is : P = c / (1 + r) + (c + B) / [ (1 + r) (1 + r) ] for 2 years to maturity, where c = annual coupon payment (in dollars, not a percent), B = par value, P = purchase price. Five years ago someone bought a 20 year coupon bond and would like to get rid of it now : A coupon rate of 7 %, it matures in exactly 2 years, par value is $1000, current interest rate is 5 %. (i) Find the value of c. (ii) Find the value of r or interest rate. (iii) Find the value of P. (iv) Guess the formula for P when the maturity period is 3 years, if such formula for 1 year duration is P = (c + B) / (1 + r). (b) In lemma of Ito on a Forward, recall that a forward contract is priced at : ln F = ln S + rT. Find the value of F in 5 decimal points when S = $100, r = interest rate = 0.05 / year, T = duration = 1 year.
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Question 94 - The resolution of separation, Rs for chromatography is given by the formula Rs = (difference in retention time) / (average width at the base). In a chromatogram, 3 peaks a, b and c are found. Average widths W at the bases of the solutes are : Wa = 20 s, Wb = 40 s, Wc = 30 s. Resolutions of separation, Rs for solutes b and c in comparison to a are 2 and 4 respectively. The differences in retention times T for b and c in comparison to a are (Tb - Ta) and (Tc - Ta), Ta = Tc - Tb : (a) Form 2 equations involving Rs as a function of Wa, Wb, Wc, Ta, Tb and Tc. (b) Find the values of Ta, Tb and Tc.
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QUANTUM CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING - EXAMPLE 31.2 : (a) Let | - > = 1 | x > + 0 | y >, | | > = 0 | x > + 1 | y >. Find the value of 2 | x > + 3 | y > in term of | - > and | | >. (b) Let m to be the reduced mass. Find the value of m in term of Ma and Mb where 1 / m = 1 / Ma + 1 / Mb.
ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL ENGINEERING - EXAMPLE 34.8 : Cash flow agreement where the sign + or - of the amounts are start negative and at a point switch to positive and stay positive is referred to has an investment. The cash flow could be denoted by the symbol of [a, b, c ...]. Consider the following two cases in a biochemical factory : (a) You pay $1 today. You receive $1.05, one year from now. (b) You pay $3 today. You receive $5, one year from today. You pay $2, two years from today. Determine if cases (a) and (b) are an investment or a business transaction with cash flow symbol. Find the interest rate r in the cash flow in both cases (a) and (b).
X is strong but has a very low density (1% of traditional earth materials.) and hence light weight. It is a recyclable material. The compression behaviour of X is strain rate dependent. Higher strain rates result in higher initial modulus and higher compression strength. It can also withstand unlimited number of cycling loading provided the repetitive loads are kept below 80% of the compressive strength. The internal structure of the material includes air-traps which make it poor heat conductor. X is non- biodegradable and chemically inert in both soil and water. Most acids and their water solutions do not attack it; however strong oxidizing acids do. Solvents which attack X include esters, ketones, ethers, aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons and their emulsions, among others. It does not support bacterial/fungal growth as well .It also has significant acoustic properties and effectively reduces the transmission of airborne sound. X is combustible and should not be exposed to open flame or other ignition sources. Combustion products are carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, water and soot. Long-term exposure to sunlight causes yellowing and a slight embrittlement of the surface due to ultraviolet light. X is able to withstand the rigours of temperature cycling, assuring long-term performance.
QUANTUM BIOLOGY - EXAMPLE 33.7 : (a) In a DNA of a living cell, the quantum information available in the bases guanine (G) and thymine (T) are | G > = | 110 > and | T > = | 010 > respectively. Calculate | G > - | T >. (b) In a living biological cell, the step time for random walk of an electron is t. The localization time of an electron is T. If i is the geometric average of T and t, find log T as a function of t and i.