MASS TRANSFER - EXAMPLE 4.3 : According to Adolf Eugen Fick (1829 - 1901) : rate of diffusion v increases with less wall thickness t, increased area A and decreased molecular weight of a fluid M. The diffusion constant D decreased with increasing M. (a) By assuming v, t, dP, A, M and D changes proportionally of each other, find the equation of v as a function of t, dP, A and D. (b) The ratio of self diffusion constant D, at T = 273 K and P = 0.1 MPa, for gases B and C are 1.604 : 0.155. If only 2 gases exist in such a system : hydrogen and nitrogen, find the type of gas for B and C with reference to their molecular weights M. (c) By using the equation of kinetic energy 0.5 MV = constant where V = square of v, find the ratio of V for B and V for C, or V(B) / V(C), as a function of M(B) and M(C), where M(B) is molecular weight of B and M(C) the molecular weight of C : Graham's Law of Diffusion.
MASS TRANSFER - ANSWER 4.3 : (a) v = (dP) AD / t. (b) Hydrogen has least M among all gases - general knowledge - highest D. Then B = hydrogen and C = nitrogen. (c) Let 0.5 M(B) V(B) = 0.5 M(C) V(C), then V(B) / V(C) = M(C) / M(B). The answer is given by Kang Chuen Tat; PO Box 6263, Dandenong, Victoria VIC 3175, Australia; SMS +61405421706;;
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