how many cement in cubic feet of 40 kg bag white cement.
Explain the difference between shear and tensile strength.
What is labour ratio for construction of residential buildings
What is Dewatering ?
what is a steel formula
nitrates more than 45 mg/l in water lead to disease called gastroenterities motteled teeth polio none
how to calculate the steel for rcc slab 1100 Square feet
Explain what is Hybrid Foundation?
Plaster area is 1000 sqft thickness is 12 mm so what will be the quantity of cement and sand
father of soil mechanics
How i calculate Cement sand Quantities in 100 Sq.ft Plaster?
how to calculate the number of cement bags required for 1m3 of work
How much permissible bearing capacity requires for open footings(isolated) and what type pile foundatuon prefering for coastal areas?