What was your reason for leaving?
what is your short term and long term goal from our company?
why u looking foer this job
what is the role of a TL ?
what u'll do if you get stuck while you are working on some imp work on PC or How you will save you document when PC get stuck
what would u do, if u become a prime minister of ur country for six months
How do we pronounce word Decision
What should i tell if the hr ask me why you choose B.tech and then bpo any one of pls suggest me what i have to answer
problems and consequences of bpo ?
why do u want to join bpo instead of other company
7 Answers Aditya Birla, Bank Of America,
What is more important to you: the money or the work?
16 Answers Aspire, HSBC, Infogain, TCS,
My Favourite teacher
34 Answers HSBC, Teaching, WWF,