How relay works, reverse relay, master relay, os relay, earth fault relay and what is its setting point
what is kvarh? Please difine it With calculation
How to justify this statement ??? "Capacitors in series provide less capacitance but higher voltage breakdown rating for the combination"
Dear sir, How to calculate 3.5 core pvc aluminium armoured cable meter wise carrying amps rating.Please give the solution with a good example.
what is the pre commissioning test to be carried out on LT power panel at site?
purpose of flux relay for turbo generator in power plant
What is the meaning of dsl line in eot crane , and why it is Called down shop lead ? Pls tell exact answer.
If ac 230volts inputsupply to full wave rectifire what is D C output voltage.
Maintenance of transformer???
What must be the minimum distance maintained between 2 Generators as per International standards?
In a transformer, the hysteresis and eddy current losses depend upon 1.load current 2.maximum flux density in core 3.type of lamination frequency The correct statements are (a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 1 and 4 (d) 2 and 4
how slip power recovery system work
Can you explain the phase displacement between primary and secondary of power transformer of any vector group(for ex)?