what is parametre for M25 after 7 days strength
which type of foundation are most prefarable in blockcotton soils
what is mail role & relationship between senior Civil engineer to consultants , Construction manager ,project manager, project engineer ,Technical engineer & qa/qc engineer ? what is the responsibilites of Senior Civil Engineer?
what is C50 expressed in kg/m3
how cubic feet cement,sand,aggregate required for 1 cubic feet ratio=1,1.5,3
how can we calculate the quantity of cement, sand, aggregate in any concrete mix
How much depth of excavation have to do for Highrised builldings?if Raft foundation how much,and Pile foundation how much?
What is the ideal size of the living room ranges from small to large size?
Technical Question of Civil Engineering
0 Answers DLF, Era Infra Engineering, L&T, Mrkr Constructions, NBCC,
How to calculate unit weight of concrete for m40 grade.
strenth of brick
relation bet Coefficient consolidation Cv, time factor Tv, drainage path d, & time t is Cv=d2Tv/t Cv=d2t/Tv Cv=tTv/d2 Cv=Tv/td2
What are the types of concrete