What is Accruals ? How it is treated in finacials
My question is- are tpt,freight & p & f charges part of sales & purchase when it include in invoice. suppose if goods value 20000 freight chrg 425.00 total sales will be 20425 or only 20000.00 how it will effect ?? pls clear
why only 6 months interest is charged on drawings
Define public accounting?
what is goodwill?
please tell me the reconciliation format in excel
wat is auto accounting
what is Sundary Debtor and sundary creditor.
what is dog expenses ?
what is the meaning of written-off as goodwill written-off
Why current assets Liability said & current Liability Assets said...?at tally ERP9
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What is Contra Voucher
I Give a Cheque for IPO in Saving Bank Account , What entry in tally accounting softwer With Example