What is Mo security profile and Mo operating unit? Why use this profile option ?

What is Mo security profile and Mo operating unit? Why use this profile option ?..

Answer / sudhakar

Mo Security Profile why we are creating means. It is not like normal profile option. It has some importance what means.

Lets see If you have 2 operating units like India and Pakistan. In India i am using Tax book and Corporate Book and Budget Book. In Pakistan i am using Tax book and Budget book.

When end users will try to enter certain assets through WEB ADI that time if pakistan User trying to enter pakistan assets. that system will display both Indian Books all above 3 and pakistan 2 books. There is a chance of selecting wrong book. So in these case we use to restrict and we use to make display only pakistan books at Asset work bench level.

So in that time we are creating MO Security profile and we are creating Asset organizations and we are creating two Mo security profile options one for India and one for Pakistan and later we are including or Excluding operating units as per our requirement and later we will run MO Security by list maintanance programme. While running system will ask at certain stage at parameter we are giving our Security profile name. After programme getting completed go a head and check from front end. Both books are displaying or not. If only Indian books are displaying then it is correct.

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