Question 32 – Let 1 ^ 1 = 1, 2 ^ 2 = 4, 3 ^ 3 = 27. By using the Excel computer programming – either by Solver or Goal Seek, find the value of v for the Van der Waals equation (P – a / v ^2) (v - b) = RT where a = 18.82, b = 0.1193, P = 2, R = 0.082, T = 5000 for benzene. Describe briefly how to use Solver and Goal Seek in Excel program of computer to find the solution quickly.
Answer / kang chuen tat (malaysia - pen
Answer 32 : Rearranging the equation gives P v^3 – (Pb + RT) v^2 – av + ab = 0. By using Excel program of computer v = 0.19322. Solver : FILE -> Options -> Add-Ins -> Solver Add-in. Goal seek : DATA -> What-If-Analysis -> Goal Seek. In both functions, Set cell / Objective, To value / Value Of, By changing cell / Changing Variable Cells should be used where To value / Value Of = 0, By changing cell / Change Variable Cells is the assumed v value, Set cell / Objective is the equation of function. The answer is given by Kang Chuen Tat; PO Box 6263, Dandenong, Victoria VIC 3175, Australia; SMS +61405421706;;
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sir,please give me some exam paper for referance. Thanks & Regards,
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